Friday, November 06, 2009

There are so many stupid assholes and dickheads on the road these days.

Earlier this week, my unfortunate cousin was involved in an accident and died while she was rushed to the hospital. She suffered injuries on her chest, head and leg. I'd imagine it wasnt easy for the family, losing a daughter when they lost the father just a few years ago.

My cousin was not at fault here. She was driving, minding a her own business when a car, from the opposite direction driven by this guy in Wira trying to overtake another car in front of him, crashed into hers. Panic, he fled the scene. Last time I checked, he's still at large.

And you shithead Wira driver, I'm gonna hate you for the rest of my life. I hope that you can never free yourself from guilt and be miserable for as long as you live. You took a life and I wish the same for you.

I dont know why there are still drivers who
A) Nak potong ikut suka ati mak bapak ko, takde nye nak check jalan dulu
B) tak paham2 lagi kemampuan kete sendiri, kalau bawak kete murah, pick-up tak bagus, takyah memotong bleh x , drive je slow2 kat belakang

My cousin was driving a Kancil btw, and I blame the govt for imposing taxes so high on imported cars that majority of Malaysians (which might be me too) have to settle for overpriced national cars with sad, sad safety features.

And Khalis said - so now you understand why kan I dont want you to drive alone. I dont want you kene langgar dgn org jahat. And we have to save a lot and get ourselves a good car.
And Khalis also questioned the car that the Wira driver tried to overtake. That why didnt him/her just gave way to the Wira, like pegi tepi sikit.