Dinner 230310

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Khalis wanted to have spaghetti last night.. He said..dah lamaaaa nk makan my spaghetti.. So I prepared carbonara for him (menyesal plak rasanya x ambik gamba..but takpe..its just carbonara je pon).. Khalis finished 2 pinggan of spaghetti and I ate 1/3 of what he had.

My fav drink in the entire universe is Coconut Shake. Imagine my surprise when Khalis said he never heard of it. Perhaps it only exists in the East Coast? coz I've never seen it in KL. My earliest memory of Coconut shake's when I was 8. maybe 9 or 10. I first had it at Kada Stop Salor. I think it was invented by Kada coz it was only 1 or 2 years after Kada Stop that I started seeing it being sold everywhere. But the taste's never as good as Kada Stop's.
So last night I prepared Coconut Shake for him. 1 coconut gave me 4 glasses. I used kelapa pandan, so the coconut taste wasnt as strong as normal nyer kelapa. But the result was still good. At least better than pasar mlm kt kg nyer. And Khalis loved it!!