Hari ini & Semalam

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This morning the lrt stations at my place sampai office were closed. So I panicked a lil bit..Queue for cab was super long, I didnt think I could ever get into one so I decided to naik KL bas for the first time. The traffic was bad halfway. I got a seat at Titiwangsa and and the journey was bearable after that. The bus took me sampai Sogo and from there, I had to walk to the office..Sabar je lah..When I got here, it was already late so pagi tadi I didnt present anything lah..

Last night, our biz associate belanja us bukak puasa at Al Amar @ Pavilion, 6th floor - Lebanese Buffet. I found the food ok..They had something like Chicken biryani gam - I loved it. But the lamb was too tender for my liking. In terms of variety, mmg x byk..Ade fruits, houmous, soup, bread, and super sweet mid eastern desserts. For main dish, they had one each for chicken,lamb, fish..and two veggie. The buffet price was RM60++person..Sbg org cheapskate, utk mid eastern nyer food - I still prefer one of our dept fav places, Al Rawsha. The portion's huge and one set of rice can be shared by two. And Khalis loves Al Rawsha too!

Alang2 kat Pavilion, while waiting for Fariq to pick us up, Sarah and I did our last minute raya shopping jap..So did Hanafi, he too had not bought anything yet for raya. Since raya dah dekat sangat, to clear up their stocks, Parkson kasik discount best2 for baju kurung..So last night I bought lah my baju raya..and they were dirt cheap!