A Total Rip Off

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I’ve been wanting to write about this very ‘bothering’ matter a long time a ago.. It’s just today that my spirit is lifted and yeah.. I’m going to write about this profit making strategy my lecturers just adopted…

This is a totaly unrelated subject but let me started with the tuition fees, us, international students got to pay.. for me its 8000++ pounds and it can be more than 11000 for those who chose Warwick.. Since I am paying like 7 times more than the locals, I should be entitled to a few privileges, if not dozens, right? Wrong.. but its not the thing I’m very much concern about now, although I DID experienced an immature guy (who I suspected IS a student and paying a lot less that I am) screaming and swearing at me out of nowhere for some unknown reasons (or could it be the head scarf I was wearing?) anyway, let’s ignore that since I’m not paying using my money..

Well anyway, in my first econs lecture, my lecturer made me lega a little bit by bringing in the news that they had written a custom textbook that would cover everything, yes, everything in the course.. Of course I innocently had expected that it would be sold at reasonable price.. So, as September, October, November and December passed by, the text book was no where to be seen. The blame was of course on the publisher..(Pearson if I’m not mistaken).. After I’d given up much hope for that book to be ready before I finished my first year, it was finally available at Blackweir. It would be stupid if I buy something without checking first rite? So, as I flipped thru the book, to my surprise, it is made up of pages and pages of Mr Sloman’s. Except they are in black and white, as opposed to the colourful ones in the original.. So, what did I do? I bought a brand new Sloman at a bargain price straight away.. no need to think twice.. Besides, I’ve always love Sloman. In the mean time, the lecturer, keep on reminding us ( or could it be persuading? Or commanding? Or threatening?( to the extreme ) ) to buy the book.. Wait, I haven’t clearly stated what the book’s got rite? Right, other than those photocopied pages of Sloman, it has lecture notes, tutorial questions, stuff that my lecturers wrote ( which isn’t that many, don’t be fooled ppl..) and also a small part from another book which my lecturer claimed no longer available in the market and cant be found in the library.. (but then again, since its just a few pages why cant they just fotostat those like Mr Jamal did?) Since I just bought a new Sloman, I asked my lecturer, do I still need the book.. And he asked whether I bought it at the uni book store. As I said no, he said, would they know?.. Just in case you haven’t figure it out yet, he was simply suggesting me to tukar the book (which I bought from somewhere else) with the custom text book at the uni book store, pretending that I bought it there, of course. It’s such a brilliant idea wasn’t it? (yeah, I would consider that should the ‘suitable’ situation arises..) I would like to believe that’s normal except the fact that it is morally incorrect.. What really pissed me off is that, with the existence of the text book, we are no longer given lecture notes and the slides are no longer uploaded to Blackboard. So these days, I go to class and copy the lecture slides + the verbal lectures + the graphs, which is very tiring.. The reason we are no longer supplied with notes is just to force us to buy the text book.. This is such a taktik kotor isn’t it?.. Believe me, at 40 pounds, the text book is wayyyy overpriced.. Come on.. I mean, since when do we have to pay for lecture slides?.. isnt that what tution fees are for? Believe me, they really want us to believe that we are going to fail if we don’t have the text book.. I tell myself, I’m not going to fall into this trap.. I really don’t want to think that both my lecturers are selfish with only royalties in mind.. I try to understand their situation, surely they have to make sure that the sales of the books go well. If not, they’d surely be blamed by the publishers, rite.. But anyway, the fact that I HAVE to copy everything down and not given other option but to buy that pricey text book is totally unacceptable..
Well.. its true that I am being kedekut here.. but my kedekutness is well justified rite? I won't breathe a word if the book is totaly a brand-new-out-of nowhere stuff and not photocopied copies of others + supposedly free notes.. I DID buy that Sloman book rite? and I DID consider buying a new Glen Arnold's which costs about 40 pounds ( and I am still considering it now..)

Anyway sayang, just a friendly reminder (hahhaahhhah…) don’t forget your promises ye.. --watch your diet.. If watching alone is not enough, then try restricted diet instead.. Everything being said, love you whether you are bulat or not..


Anonymous said...

IC students are paying more than 16K for this academic yr...gile kan