Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I must admit when it comes to masak2 i ni idok le terer sgt. My friend in uni progressed from x reti grg ayam to bleh buat nasi beryani by year 1. My cooking skill was pretty much stagnant. I didnt really enjoy cooking. Especially coz susah nak jadi. besides, masak for one, ape yg bestnyer.. Most nights kalo x bli light of bengal or kebab i would eat nuggets/chicken strips/plain salmon bakar + nasik + sos cili. Kalo rajin sket, masak nasi grg or sushi or goreng ayam pastu tuang patak's. Sedapp ooo patak's ni.. Deserts lagi la x kose nk buat,first i xdak sweet tooth and second sbb kalo buat pn, konpom x itu zaman2 study dulu.skang i cook for dinner about once a week. Oso x motivated sgt sbb selalu x jadi. Org cakap nak menjadi kne la buat berkali2,tapi masalahnye dah masak pn sekali dua seminggu,takan la everytime pn nak ulang mende sama sampai jadi..besides,khalis oso x kesah,i lagiii la x kesah..khalis said there are two things tht i buat above average - nasik ayam and nasi grg kg. and these 2 was since 4 years ago..sampai skang the list x expand pn.. and it doesnt really help either that we have different views on how certain things should be cooked. like i prefer my ayam kicap to be very diluted while khalis plak tanak campur air lansung..

Anyway, what i have learned so far is masak ikut resipi internet or buku doesnt work. From really simple stuff like sambal belacan to really complicated arabic dishes,i have tried them all. Hampes je doesnt mean i've given up on them.. Nowadays,i ambik resipi from akak2 opis. Sambal tumis ikan bilis which i tried to make for years tp x pnah jadi akhirnye jadi dgn sekali attempt je bile akak opis ajar. From tht resipi sambal ikan bilis, buang brg2 yg x berkaitan,i buat bihun goreng which also never sedap b4 akhirnye menjadi terus. Its not about the ingredients sgt,tapi cara masak yg penting..which is x di ajar sgt dlm resipi2 google. My ingredients sambal ikan bilis tu,dr dlu smpi skang sama now bile masak dgn btol,barulah edible.small success like this wont really make me taking up cooking as a hobby. It requires lotsa failures b4 i would really become terer and enjoy cooking. And i really dont have time for tht. And i dont have the patience either.I certainly dont foresee myself becoming a domestic goddess in years to come.tht aside, i love making drinks. Why,bcoz the success rate is 100%.

On totally unrelated matter,today is a really important day for me. Everything tht i've been working on in the past 10 months would be decided on today. My monthly horoscope specifically mentioned tht today would be a great day for me. I hope thts true. I'm going to need all the luck there is.