Cubaan membuat roti 2

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I baked again on Saturday. and I got better results this time - success rate of 75%. The bread's no longer moist, the fluffiness improved but not yet satisfactory. Khalis was neutral about my bread - he didnt mind eating it and he appreciated the effort.

This time
1-Proofing of 2 hours.
Did the dough miracle! It was a lot less stickier and easier to shape!

2-Baked longer with lower temp
The dough was slightly burnt (I mean now I got the brown colour on top)

3-Dissolved all small-quantity items in water
No more lumps!

Honestly I dont know what else to do to get better bread other than
a) buy a bread maker
b) buy new oven

For now I just make do with my bread ni je lah


::9W2PHY:: \(^_')/ said...

asalkan lembut dan boleh di makan kiranya dah jadi roti...practice make perfect...:p

miiRaLeEs said...

hadoiiii...kalau manjang x jadi je, nak berpractice pon malessss..
bulan depan baru try buta lagi sekali kot..heheh